There are some positive changes in my life lately.
First of all, it is a new and bigger flat, to which I and my bf are moving in.
60m2, two small chambers, and the flat is in an other - beautiful - part of the town.
And what does it mean for you slaves?

I got a job. A bit strange for Princess like me who is too pretty to work, but I am ambitious and it is interessting for Me. This is enough to explain.
Except that, in Czech Republic do not exist slaves, who could care for Princess enough, that She had really that much money, so that She does not have to care about it. Sad, but true. Fortunatelly I have my bf, who's earnings go to Me too, and I am the One, who holds all the finances. I like that!
Thanks to my job, I can travel and I am often not at home. I don't care, but I do enjoy the fact, that the job is not boring.
The work takes my time, but brings me money. I love money and luxury! If the slave is not able to provide Me this, I don't share my precious time with him.
slave robert is lately like the only one, who is serving really loyally and will earn his chance to serve Me personally.
He will take some new pictures of Me, will be My personal toy, follow My orders and with humble servitude take the punishments from Me - for My fun!
slave subdoggie won the auction on twitter my bellerinas and smelly pads in them - as I say 2in1. Lucky bastard.
slave buttface is not my mail slave anymore. He is trying to live "normally", has a gf, but he always worships Me & is paying for My mani/pedi. Just with his trying to live ..normally he laughable to Me.
in sub scene is new young slave skvor555 who is trying to get My attention (I have not got a slave name for him yet)
I am curious about him, and after I move to my new flat I probably give him a chance.
Moving will happen on the 15th of August, and till then I am rather busy, what is understandable.