When superiority goes together with perfection, the stupid one is just shouting jealously looking for a mistake and the wise hangs down humbly his head just a second before he lights with a flash of admiration a flambeau on the road of glory for the the perfect One - Goddess on Earth..
Welcome slaves

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Nová opatření / New measures
Musela jsem nedávno udělat jistá opatření proti většině nicotných a nepoužitelných "honičů" svých mikro ptáčků. ;D Myslím, že dost subíků Mě už na FemDom scéně zná a tak mé kvalitní fotky dostanou jen ti praví otroci (sloužící a oddaní) - za odměnu! Nebo si je budete moct zakoupit v mém Kinkbomb studiu. ;)
Saturday, December 14, 2013
CONTACT informations / kontaktní informace
Protože Mě přestává bavit číst texty rádoby zájemců o pozici otroka v pravém slova smyslu, odteď Mě budete kontaktovat přes mého otroka (mojí sekretářku) na tento email: crowlie@seznam.cz
Kde napíšeš odpovědi na otázky, které jsou napsány níže!
Odkud jsi:
Co mi můžeš nabídnout:
Proč bych o tobě měla uvažovat:
Jaká by měla být tvá Paní:
Tvé fetiše:
Co pro tebe FinDom znamená:
Jak jsi se o Mě dozvěděl:
(Jsem zadaná. Takže pro tebe - Jsem nedosažitelná žena! Pokud hledáš luxusní milenku, sex nebo vážný vztah - jsi na špatné adrese.)
Because I'm tired of reading texts would-be candidates for the position of a slave in the true sense of the word, from now u will contact Me via my slave (my secretary) to this email: crowlie@seznam.cz
Where u write the answers to the questions that are written below!
What can u offer Me:
Why should I consider u:
What are u looking for from your Mistress:
Your fetishes:
What does Findom mean to u:
Where are u from:
How did you find Me:
(I'm in relationship. So for u - I'm unattainable woman! When u looking for a luxury lover, sex or serious relationship - you're at the wrong address.)
Kde napíšeš odpovědi na otázky, které jsou napsány níže!
Odkud jsi:
Co mi můžeš nabídnout:
Proč bych o tobě měla uvažovat:
Jaká by měla být tvá Paní:
Tvé fetiše:
Co pro tebe FinDom znamená:
Jak jsi se o Mě dozvěděl:
(Jsem zadaná. Takže pro tebe - Jsem nedosažitelná žena! Pokud hledáš luxusní milenku, sex nebo vážný vztah - jsi na špatné adrese.)
Because I'm tired of reading texts would-be candidates for the position of a slave in the true sense of the word, from now u will contact Me via my slave (my secretary) to this email: crowlie@seznam.cz
Where u write the answers to the questions that are written below!
What can u offer Me:
Why should I consider u:
What are u looking for from your Mistress:
Your fetishes:
What does Findom mean to u:
Where are u from:
How did you find Me:
(I'm in relationship. So for u - I'm unattainable woman! When u looking for a luxury lover, sex or serious relationship - you're at the wrong address.)
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Princezna vs. Domina aneb Jak se ke Mě máš chovat!
Rozhodla jsem se napsat tento článek a přiblížit vám tak můj
pohled na tento rozdíl a tím pádem i větší Info o mém životním stylu. Koho to
bude zajímat, jistě si to přečte pěkně až do konce.
Většinou mě kontaktují jen subíci se vzkazy typu „co vy jste
jako Paní schopna nabídnout mě“ místo toho, aby mi hned v úvodu napsali o
tom „co oni jsou schopni nabídnou Mě samotné“, rozhodla jsem se rozvést můj pohled a
názor na věc zde.
První věc: Já tady
nejsem od toho, abych vám nabízela nějaké služby! Vy jste tady od toho, aby
jste Mě nabízeli vaše služby! Pokud víte o tom, že nejste schopni nic
nabídnout, nemusíte se vůbec obtěžovat a psát mi maily nebo vzkazy jinde na
internetu. Budu vám odteď pokaždé odpovídat stručně, ne-li jen odkazem na můj
post z blogu, kde si přečtete, co konkrétně chci hned v úvodní zprávě od
vás já znát! O žádnou slovní omáčku, lži a prázdné slova nestojím!
Druhá věc: Já nejsem
profi domina! Takže mi nepište, že by jste rádi, abych vám jednorázově
nakopala koule, uvěznila ve svém sklepě atd. Je mi jedno, co vy by jste rádi,
protože v prvé řadě jsou na místě mé potřeby! Za odměnu, jsem ovšem
ochotná odměnit i já vás. U mě na blogu nenajdete ceník za jednotlivé služby –
BDSM praktiky apod. (Nemám nic proti profi dominám. Naopak ty, které to baví, já
uznávám. Ty které to dělají jen pro peníze, neuznávám stejně jako ostatní lidi,
kteří dělají nějakou práci jen proto, protože ví, že se v této branži točí
hodně peněz. V samotném závěru je to z jejich strany jen herectví a
přetvářka a nikdy svoji práci nedokážou dělat opravdu dobře i kdyby se snažili
sebevíc. O herečky/herce nemá přeci nikdo zájem ani coby dominy, ani co by
partnerky ve vanilkovém vztahu, ani coby přátele. Upřímnost a dělání věci
s láskou a pro pobavení je to nejlepší, co může být! A od toho se pak
odvíjí i samotná kvalita. Toť můj osobní názor.)

Čtvrtá věc: Ti kteří ze začátku prosí o službu u Mě a po
chvíli se odmlčí, budu po opětovném prosení o možnosti být u Mě ve službě –
náležitě potrestáni. Nebaví Mě „otroci“, kteří několikrát přestanou sloužit
z jakéhokoliv většinou vymyšleného důvodu a pak se opět ozývají s prosíkem,
až když se to jim hodí. Tohle pro mě jsou individua, kteří si ani nezaslouží
oslovovat je jako „otroci“. Opravdu Mě nezajímá uspokojování vašich potřeb –
opět zdůrazňuji.
Pátá věc: Takže Princezna jako já čeká, až se budete
předbíhat o to, stát se alespoň malou součástí mého božského života a tím
naplnit i váš nicotní život. Očekávám, že vy mi budete nabízet sebe, coby
otroky. Nebudu vám věnovat svůj drahocenný čas jen tak na prázdno. Na blogu, Twitteru i internetu jsou mé odkazy na wishlisty, nebo přímo posty na blogu,
které odkazují na dárečky, které si přeji. Inspirace máte víc než si
zasloužíte! Takže otázky typu „čím bych vám směl udělat radost?“ nejsou na
místě. Protože pokud máte skutečně zájem mi sloužit, tak si přečtete alespoň
celý můj blog, nebo minimálně mé nové články za poslední měsíc!
Neustále se přesvědčuji o tom, že méně a méně subíků si skutečně
zaslouží osobní setkáním, s někým jako jsem já. Bohužel, je to tak. Pomalu
se ani nedivím finančním dominám, které odmítají setkání se svými otroky.
Spousta z vás se ke mně neumí chovat, nečtou můj blog dostatečně a tím
pádem ani neznají důležité informace o mě. A potom se divíte, že se nechci hned
sejít s otrokem? K čemu by mi to bylo? K ničemu. Nejsem kurva,
abych se s někým sešla jen proto, že by mě nalákal na peníze. Pokud si to
myslíš, v tom případě jsi u mě na špatné adrese a zkus to jinde. Já se
sejdu až teprve s takovým otrokem, který mi za to bude stát a bude
„ověřený“! Je mi jedno, co si o tom kdo myslí - já jsem tu ta, co určuje
pravidla a má právo si vybrat své rozhodnutí! Nestojí mi zatím za setkání nikdo
kromě otroka prdelního ksichta, který mi byl věrný od mých 18 let - online. Už
ho znám i osobně a ve službě reálné taktéž nezklamal. Berte si z něj vy
rádoby otroci příklad, pokud na Mě budete chtít udělat nějaký pozitivní dojem.
Klidně ho můžete kontaktovat a zeptat se ho na různé informace, které by vás
zajímaly. Má už dost zkušeností v oblasti FinDom i FemDom a jeho otrocká
láska ke Mě.. je nekonečná. ;)
Víc vás už nejsem schopna nakupovat do prdele k odhodlání, zamyšlení a tím, že jsem vás poučila o těchto faktech, tak snad mi konečně nebudete psát jen samé sračky, ale duchaplné slova, které mají nějakou otrockou váhu.
Jsem Bohyně, která si zaslouží vše, co chce! To si pamatujte!
Monday, December 9, 2013
My KINKBOMB studio
Here is my new shop on kinkbomb.com - http://www.kinkbomb.com/studio/xgoddessginax/
Friday, December 6, 2013
My fave things - u must know it!
Because a lot of u poor pigs, constantly you are not sure what to make Me happy.. can be sure that:
- My favorite colors are pink, silver, black and green.
- My favorite pattern is leopard (but overall I like animal prints like tiger, zebra and python too).
- My current favorite perfume is Lancome - Hypnose
- I love high heels and boots (mostly on platform).
- I love corsets (leather, synthetic leather, latex but other materials too).
- I like rock, metal, new wave and oldies music.
- My favorite symbol is a snake.
- I love denim.
- My favorite brand of decorative cosmetics: Sleek, Rimmel, Dermacol, L'Oréal Paris
- My favorite brand of cosmetics for hair: Biosilk (Silk Therapy), Schwarzkopf Gliss kur (Liquid silk), Matuschka
- I only wear SILVER jewelry.
- I like to wear latex, leather, synthetic leather and pvc coated sexy clothes.
That would be enough for a start.. If I think of anything else, write it here..
- My favorite colors are pink, silver, black and green.

- My current favorite perfume is Lancome - Hypnose
- I love high heels and boots (mostly on platform).
- I love corsets (leather, synthetic leather, latex but other materials too).
- I like rock, metal, new wave and oldies music.
- My favorite symbol is a snake.
- I love denim.
- My favorite brand of decorative cosmetics: Sleek, Rimmel, Dermacol, L'Oréal Paris
- My favorite brand of cosmetics for hair: Biosilk (Silk Therapy), Schwarzkopf Gliss kur (Liquid silk), Matuschka
- I only wear SILVER jewelry.
- I like to wear latex, leather, synthetic leather and pvc coated sexy clothes.
That would be enough for a start.. If I think of anything else, write it here..
Jak mi můžeš poslat peníze? / How can u send Me money?
Jsou zde čtyři platební metody:
PaySec, Paypal, Amazon a bankovní účet!
Amazon - ve formě dárkových karet.
PaySec - č. mého účtu je 4395545.(Lze zde poslat peníze také anonymně!)
PayPal - pošli na adresu: xgoddessginax@gmail.com.
Bankovní účet - zeptej se Mě na číslo účtu!
Pokud by jsi rád odevzdal své peníze k mým nohám osobně - buď skutečně oddaný a schopný otrok!
There are four methods of payment:
PaySec, PayPal, Amazon and bank account!
Amazon - in the form of gift cards.
PaySec - my account number is 4395545th (there can also send money anonymously!)
PayPal - send them to: xgoddessginax@gmail.com.
Bank account - ask Me for account number!
If u want to lay money at my feet in person - be the truly dedicated and capable slave!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Christmas is coming! (my Christmas wishlist)
As Christmas is approaching very quickly, I already slowly starting to scheduling my wish list, poor pigs.. Are u looking forward??? I ruin your wallet again! hahahaha
Whole year of hard work.. Christmas is a time of fulfilled dreams, losers.. I deserve everything what I want and u know it! ;)
1. http://mojesminky.cz/rtenky/547-pale-nude.html (purchased)
2. http://mojesminky.cz/rtenky/225-marshmellow.html (purchased)
3. http://mojesminky.cz/holograficke-laky/1056-cloud-nine.html (purchased)
3. http://mojesminky.cz/holograficke-laky/1056-cloud-nine.html (purchased)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
How can u serve Me in real?
Only a truly dedicated slaves may serve Me personally! Those slaves that I know that serves Me very well online.
U will serve Me as:
- live wallet and servant on my shopping
- footrest, doormat
- personal jester, u will do everything for my amusement
- will worship my divine feet, making massage, paint my nails etc. - just reward!
- you'll fulfill my tasks - clean, ironed clothes, wash, sweep, vacuum, wash dishes etc. (you'll be my malemaid, if I will want)
There are plenty of ideas that can be realized! But u have to think really seriously and act accordingly, losers!
U will serve Me as:
- live wallet and servant on my shopping
- footrest, doormat
- personal jester, u will do everything for my amusement
- will worship my divine feet, making massage, paint my nails etc. - just reward!
- you'll fulfill my tasks - clean, ironed clothes, wash, sweep, vacuum, wash dishes etc. (you'll be my malemaid, if I will want)
There are plenty of ideas that can be realized! But u have to think really seriously and act accordingly, losers!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Dear Diary: Personal meeting with slave Buttface
My second personal meeting with one of my worshipers.. I know him online since I was 18.
Just now I decided, that it is the right time to move our relationship Mistress/slave further and give him that way the chance to serve Me in different ways.
My FIRST personal meeting with submissive loser (I dont write "my slave" in propose. That one was and never will be able to become my slave.) was not nice case at all. I needed some time to get through from that bad experience from that negative personal meeting. And so it happened finally :)
But still the fact is: personal meeting happens only when I decide.
Definitely not when the slave will ask for it and make it as his condition of servitude. This is really not the way, how it works. Main and only word is MINE and it will never be the other way!
And now to that day. (My slave buttface wrote quite detailed about it on his blog) I can say to it, that I realized how useful such personal service is for Me.
Of course it depend also on the quality of a slave! Not everyone would be able to follow and fulfill my requests. I allow access to my life only to really honest and devoted slaves, who are well behaving and very humble, who know how to behave in front of a true Princess.
Unfortunately not every submissive is like that. If a sub wants to impress Me, he must in first line care about My spoiled rotten (now I mean by serving online) I don't know any compromise in certain things. If I don't feel real submission and devotion from the side of a submissive - I don't care. It is basic for MY slave - devotion, humbleness, honesty, well behaving and later well trained as it fits to ME.
Just now I decided, that it is the right time to move our relationship Mistress/slave further and give him that way the chance to serve Me in different ways.
My FIRST personal meeting with submissive loser (I dont write "my slave" in propose. That one was and never will be able to become my slave.) was not nice case at all. I needed some time to get through from that bad experience from that negative personal meeting. And so it happened finally :)
But still the fact is: personal meeting happens only when I decide.
Definitely not when the slave will ask for it and make it as his condition of servitude. This is really not the way, how it works. Main and only word is MINE and it will never be the other way!
And now to that day. (My slave buttface wrote quite detailed about it on his blog) I can say to it, that I realized how useful such personal service is for Me.
Of course it depend also on the quality of a slave! Not everyone would be able to follow and fulfill my requests. I allow access to my life only to really honest and devoted slaves, who are well behaving and very humble, who know how to behave in front of a true Princess.
Unfortunately not every submissive is like that. If a sub wants to impress Me, he must in first line care about My spoiled rotten (now I mean by serving online) I don't know any compromise in certain things. If I don't feel real submission and devotion from the side of a submissive - I don't care. It is basic for MY slave - devotion, humbleness, honesty, well behaving and later well trained as it fits to ME.
He must be well behaved and especially obedient, if I would like to show him off or use him in public - like a footboy and living wallet while shopping ;)
That was really amusing and satisfying, when I could choose whatever I wanted and that loser paid for all, was holding all shopping bags, my fur jacket, purse.. and was not disturbing Me at all. Just walked behind Me like obedient dog after his Mistress.
I forgot to write about the first moment when W/we met, when I came out of the door of my house and he was there standing and waiting with money for Me. I told him "cash!" and showed my hand, so that his small brain (in shock of My divine beauty) would understand at all what I want :D I took all cash from his wallet and I am just now sorry I did not look also for the credit card ;) (next time buttface!) Return to the kneeling man on the street his empty wallet.. that was something for Me! ;)
Shopping was great and the coffee at Starbucks was ok.. it was our first meeting, so I allowed him to sit oposite to Me. But next time, he will stand and wait outside of the coffeehouse.. so that I can watch him. He will wait when I finish my cup of coffee and decide when I stand up and will go for shopping ;) There is no place for slave at My table!
Tasks like taking My boots off and on in the shoe store while trying new shoes were automatic, it is not necessary to mention.
He was doing docile all tasks which I told him. Also later at my place.. vacuuming, dusting, dishes cleaning, cleaning the floors and before sweeping.. order a deliver of a dinner for Me
This was all a reward for him :D It all was so natural and automatic = it means, when Mistress and the slave fits well together.
I don't know what to write more about, when he already wrote it quite clear on his blog..
For Me it was first positive real experience , which I will gladly repeat at chosen slaves also in the future. The feeling when I have a man wrapped around My finger, who is obeying every My word and who is taking care about My luxury and wellbeing..that feeling of course fulfill myself.I have fun online with other slaves, while My personal slave is ironing and is doing other domestic duties for Me. I do shopping while slave is paying for My purchases. This comes to Me very normal and basic thing.
That was really amusing and satisfying, when I could choose whatever I wanted and that loser paid for all, was holding all shopping bags, my fur jacket, purse.. and was not disturbing Me at all. Just walked behind Me like obedient dog after his Mistress.
I forgot to write about the first moment when W/we met, when I came out of the door of my house and he was there standing and waiting with money for Me. I told him "cash!" and showed my hand, so that his small brain (in shock of My divine beauty) would understand at all what I want :D I took all cash from his wallet and I am just now sorry I did not look also for the credit card ;) (next time buttface!) Return to the kneeling man on the street his empty wallet.. that was something for Me! ;)
Shopping was great and the coffee at Starbucks was ok.. it was our first meeting, so I allowed him to sit oposite to Me. But next time, he will stand and wait outside of the coffeehouse.. so that I can watch him. He will wait when I finish my cup of coffee and decide when I stand up and will go for shopping ;) There is no place for slave at My table!
Tasks like taking My boots off and on in the shoe store while trying new shoes were automatic, it is not necessary to mention.
He was doing docile all tasks which I told him. Also later at my place.. vacuuming, dusting, dishes cleaning, cleaning the floors and before sweeping.. order a deliver of a dinner for Me
This was all a reward for him :D It all was so natural and automatic = it means, when Mistress and the slave fits well together.
I don't know what to write more about, when he already wrote it quite clear on his blog..
For Me it was first positive real experience , which I will gladly repeat at chosen slaves also in the future. The feeling when I have a man wrapped around My finger, who is obeying every My word and who is taking care about My luxury and wellbeing..that feeling of course fulfill myself.I have fun online with other slaves, while My personal slave is ironing and is doing other domestic duties for Me. I do shopping while slave is paying for My purchases. This comes to Me very normal and basic thing.
I also allowed him to eat the cheapest yogurt off my kitchen floor, while I was drinking champaign ;D While he was licking the floor I was standing over him and just for fun I pushed the spike of My heel (which he paid for)to his back. It must be painful what buttface? :D
He is just a pathetic loser, who lives only for Me ;) In the end I was so merciful and allowed him to worship My bare feet.. he was in heaven stupid.. :D and I hardly noticed him, while I was whole time on phone. :)
I don't write in details what buttface felt, because I was taking care about Me and did not took any regard on him. I just remember that beautiful lingerie, shoes and staff which I bought for his money. Taste of champaign, asia dinner and quite nice clean apartment.
I see in this advantages and certain content. And My boyfriend was also very happy about My new sexy lingerie.. ;)
What to say more.. maybe only that fact, that he was the lucky, who got small part of My precious time.
You can ask him for more info from that day, if you are curious
I want to have more able slaves, which i will wrap around My finger!
He is just a pathetic loser, who lives only for Me ;) In the end I was so merciful and allowed him to worship My bare feet.. he was in heaven stupid.. :D and I hardly noticed him, while I was whole time on phone. :)
I don't write in details what buttface felt, because I was taking care about Me and did not took any regard on him. I just remember that beautiful lingerie, shoes and staff which I bought for his money. Taste of champaign, asia dinner and quite nice clean apartment.
I see in this advantages and certain content. And My boyfriend was also very happy about My new sexy lingerie.. ;)
What to say more.. maybe only that fact, that he was the lucky, who got small part of My precious time.
You can ask him for more info from that day, if you are curious
I want to have more able slaves, which i will wrap around My finger!
Next time I hope that idiot will make more and better pictures!
Friday, November 22, 2013
What is financial slavery (FinDom)?
People are not equal. They say, humans are..but people are not. How they look like, how they think and act like.. Looking back to history, there always have been Dominants and submissives and because of that some unfairness. Why exactly in Ds relationship, should this part be missing?
There are people beautiful, rich and successful..spoiled by everyone. And there are people, who's destiny is to work whole life in the shadow and dream about the lives of those first named and try to be a part of Their lives.
There are people beautiful, rich and successful..spoiled by everyone. And there are people, who's destiny is to work whole life in the shadow and dream about the lives of those first named and try to be a part of Their lives.
I give a chance to those submissives, who know their place. These losers have a chance to worship Me, work for Me, obey Me and be that way a small part of the life of true GODDESS.
Only this fact alone should be for these losers something like "dream come true" and they must be eternally thankful to ME. In opposite, I only tolerate them, if they know their place and give their best to stay as my slaves. I have many of them and anyone i can switch like nothing.
Thet is findom about for you losers. Life in servitude, humbly worthipping and obeying your Mistress, your divine Princess, your GODDESS. If you want this, kneel and try hard to prove yourself.
Only this fact alone should be for these losers something like "dream come true" and they must be eternally thankful to ME. In opposite, I only tolerate them, if they know their place and give their best to stay as my slaves. I have many of them and anyone i can switch like nothing.
Thet is findom about for you losers. Life in servitude, humbly worthipping and obeying your Mistress, your divine Princess, your GODDESS. If you want this, kneel and try hard to prove yourself.
Co je finanční otroctví?
Finanční otrok [money slave] je otrok jež platí své Paní pravidelně finanční částky, většinou takový vztah probíhá na dálku, přes Internet a Paní a otrok se nemusejí nikdy setkat osobně.
Finanční otroctví rozhodně není o nějaké fér výměně-něco za něco, pokud je otrok dobrým bankomatem jeho Majitelka mu může věnovat trochu pozornosti, ale zda - to záleží jen na ni. Obě strany si to uvědomují.
Finanční otroctví je v podstatě jen další fetish, otrok odevzdává své Majitelce určitou část svého platu, kterou by jako svobodny člověk mohl použít na něco jiného, vzdává se tím části svého pohodlí ve prospěch své Paní. Celé toto je spojeno s velkou dávkou ponížení což je to hlavní co fin. otroky vzrušuje. Ponížení je také většinou to jediné co otrok za odměnu dostane, kupříkladu své Paní sloužit roky a ona ho celou dobu může jen přehlížet a vysmívat se mu, za což on ji za to bude stále milovat a pokorně sloužit. Některé finanční dominy ale své otroky dokáží odměnit-většinou nějakým fetišem [použité spodní prádlo, ponožky, punčochy, botky apod.], občasným telefonickým hovorem, chatem a jedna z nejvzácnějších odměn je samozřejmě osobní setkání třeba i spojené s možností jít se svou Paní nakupovat a samozřejmě - platit za ni.
Finanční otroctví rozhodně není o nějaké fér výměně-něco za něco, pokud je otrok dobrým bankomatem jeho Majitelka mu může věnovat trochu pozornosti, ale zda - to záleží jen na ni. Obě strany si to uvědomují.
Finanční otroctví je v podstatě jen další fetish, otrok odevzdává své Majitelce určitou část svého platu, kterou by jako svobodny člověk mohl použít na něco jiného, vzdává se tím části svého pohodlí ve prospěch své Paní. Celé toto je spojeno s velkou dávkou ponížení což je to hlavní co fin. otroky vzrušuje. Ponížení je také většinou to jediné co otrok za odměnu dostane, kupříkladu své Paní sloužit roky a ona ho celou dobu může jen přehlížet a vysmívat se mu, za což on ji za to bude stále milovat a pokorně sloužit. Některé finanční dominy ale své otroky dokáží odměnit-většinou nějakým fetišem [použité spodní prádlo, ponožky, punčochy, botky apod.], občasným telefonickým hovorem, chatem a jedna z nejvzácnějších odměn je samozřejmě osobní setkání třeba i spojené s možností jít se svou Paní nakupovat a samozřejmě - platit za ni.
How u can to serve Me online?
I'm a very demanding young woman. Luxury and comfort is automatic in my life. A lot of sycophants sometimes don't have enough imagination how to please Me. That's why I wrote this post! There are several ways how u can serve Me losers!
My slaves are responsible for:
- Because no one can resist my beautiful hands and feet: pay regular manicures and pedicures (once a month, usually..)
- Because I wear and love silver jewelry: buy Me a new silver jewelry (toe rings, rings, ankle bracelets, bracelets, earrings, body piercings, chains, necklaces..)
- Because I deserve highlight my sex-appeal even more and my BF love it too: buy Me new sexy lingerie and accessories (bras, panties, corsets, girdles, stockings.. etc.)
- Because my high heels are bigger than your small ridiculous dick: buy Me new shoes (sandals, boots, sneakers, etc.)
- Because I love make-up, although I'm naturally beautiful: Buy Me a new care and decorative cosmetics!
- Because I like sexy clothes: Buy Me new clothes (fur coats, jeans, mini-skirts, dresses, shirts, jackets, handbags etc..)
And it's really more how u can be useful for Me, losers..
Little hint for u:
* My shoe size is 37,5 - summer shoes, 38 - winter boots and sneakers (European size)
* I can have a silver rings with a diameter of 55 mm or less so no larger diameters!
* Clothes in size XS (34) or S (36). sometimes it may be S/M unless another option.
* My favorite brand of shoes is Pleaser
* My other favorite brand of jewelry, clothing, handbags, etc. is Playboy
* My favorite symbol is snake.
* I accept the gifts associated with my hobby - pole dance
* My Amazon wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/16JWLVCMF40S4
This was a small sample of how u can serve Me online.
If u prove to Me that you're really dedicated to Me.. If I will know that u are willing and industrious.. I will permission to do, that you can serve Me personally.
You must understand that this can't be immediately, because I'm not a professional dominatrix, which invites the slaves to her for training and lessons.
I'm a woman which deserve to be honored and cherished. My lifestyle is adapted to it and I don't accept everything that comes along. I must feel some confident in person and effort on his part that he meant it. I don't accept mere words, but deeds!
Soon I will write article about how can serve my slaves in personally for Me.
My slaves are responsible for:
- Because no one can resist my beautiful hands and feet: pay regular manicures and pedicures (once a month, usually..)
- Because I wear and love silver jewelry: buy Me a new silver jewelry (toe rings, rings, ankle bracelets, bracelets, earrings, body piercings, chains, necklaces..)
- Because I deserve highlight my sex-appeal even more and my BF love it too: buy Me new sexy lingerie and accessories (bras, panties, corsets, girdles, stockings.. etc.)
- Because my high heels are bigger than your small ridiculous dick: buy Me new shoes (sandals, boots, sneakers, etc.)
- Because I love make-up, although I'm naturally beautiful: Buy Me a new care and decorative cosmetics!
- Because I like sexy clothes: Buy Me new clothes (fur coats, jeans, mini-skirts, dresses, shirts, jackets, handbags etc..)
And it's really more how u can be useful for Me, losers..
Little hint for u:
* My shoe size is 37,5 - summer shoes, 38 - winter boots and sneakers (European size)
* I can have a silver rings with a diameter of 55 mm or less so no larger diameters!
* Clothes in size XS (34) or S (36). sometimes it may be S/M unless another option.
* My favorite brand of shoes is Pleaser
* My other favorite brand of jewelry, clothing, handbags, etc. is Playboy
* My favorite symbol is snake.
* I accept the gifts associated with my hobby - pole dance
* My Amazon wishlist: http://amzn.com/w/16JWLVCMF40S4
This was a small sample of how u can serve Me online.
If u prove to Me that you're really dedicated to Me.. If I will know that u are willing and industrious.. I will permission to do, that you can serve Me personally.
You must understand that this can't be immediately, because I'm not a professional dominatrix, which invites the slaves to her for training and lessons.
I'm a woman which deserve to be honored and cherished. My lifestyle is adapted to it and I don't accept everything that comes along. I must feel some confident in person and effort on his part that he meant it. I don't accept mere words, but deeds!
Soon I will write article about how can serve my slaves in personally for Me.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Dear Diary..
28th October was a holiday and people couldn't go to work. It was not true for a one slave from Vienna. He has a face as smooth ass - his slave's name is Chump. He humbly asked me whether in this day can work just for me. I let him, and so is 2300 CZE for my pleasure. ;) U are in my power.. u miserable little worm!! Hahahaha!
And yesterday I was at the manicurist. I care about my beauty of course. Beautiful hands and feet are the foundation. :) Don't u say that.. pig? (Don't worry about yourself, nothing will not help anyway. lol)
On Thursday I was at the hairdresser.. for a little hair cut. I love my blond hair and I have to take care of them too.
Tomorrow I'm going to visit friends. I hope you will sitting at home on your ass and think only of me how I will have fun. Dog always loyally waiting for his owner in house. Or rather at house.. outside in a kennel. ;)
And yesterday I was at the manicurist. I care about my beauty of course. Beautiful hands and feet are the foundation. :) Don't u say that.. pig? (Don't worry about yourself, nothing will not help anyway. lol)
On Thursday I was at the hairdresser.. for a little hair cut. I love my blond hair and I have to take care of them too.
Tomorrow I'm going to visit friends. I hope you will sitting at home on your ass and think only of me how I will have fun. Dog always loyally waiting for his owner in house. Or rather at house.. outside in a kennel. ;)
Friday, November 1, 2013
Sincerity is important
In the D/S relationship is sincerity important aspect. As in any interpersonal relationship. It's important to know some very basic and specific information to a Mistress and her slave were able to right communicate. I need to know what u are or u are not able to do for me. If you have something downright prevents the service for me as wife, girlfriend .. Think about whether or not u are able to serve me. Although this is not my problem (it's your problem), but I think it's fair that I knew about it. I had one problem, thanks to the lies of a slave and his girlfriend, and I don't want to experience it again.
In addition, I also need to u know your past experience, what u like and what doesn't (fetishes etc. - for complete dorks).
If you contact me, write these basic information in the mail loser. ;)
In addition, I also need to u know your past experience, what u like and what doesn't (fetishes etc. - for complete dorks).
If you contact me, write these basic information in the mail loser. ;)
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Video chat via Skype
Today (well actually now - yesterday) I was home alone and had a really fun chat with my slave Chump. ;)
he was very nervous and it was seen on webcam. Wove the words, goofy smile etc. But it amused Me. :D
he also at my command - ate yogurt off the floor, played the guitar and sang a Czech song for Me.. my personal clown. :D
I'm glad when the slave knows his place and value and we both agreed that he will be a better cleaner than the singer. ;) his tool must be a toilet brush, no guitar.. :D
he also showed Me how look his burrow where he lives. Sufficient for a slave, I think .. of course, not a luxury. ;) Luxury belongs only to Me.
(I deliberately writing "he" with a small H)

Could be heard through the microphone that he photographed Me. Beautiful sound.. it's understandable that the poor thing wants to have a keepsake. ;) My divine beauty is his food.. attracts like a magnet.. he can't resist always. Unexpectedly.. :D
I'll prepare some homeworks for him - let he has some work on weekend. However, with joy and slavish love makes tasks for Me and so it should be!
he also at my command - ate yogurt off the floor, played the guitar and sang a Czech song for Me.. my personal clown. :D
I'm glad when the slave knows his place and value and we both agreed that he will be a better cleaner than the singer. ;) his tool must be a toilet brush, no guitar.. :D
he also showed Me how look his burrow where he lives. Sufficient for a slave, I think .. of course, not a luxury. ;) Luxury belongs only to Me.
(I deliberately writing "he" with a small H)

Could be heard through the microphone that he photographed Me. Beautiful sound.. it's understandable that the poor thing wants to have a keepsake. ;) My divine beauty is his food.. attracts like a magnet.. he can't resist always. Unexpectedly.. :D
I'll prepare some homeworks for him - let he has some work on weekend. However, with joy and slavish love makes tasks for Me and so it should be!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
D/S relationship, symbol & slave's love
My loyal slave Chump wrote poem about ME:
Amazin poem.. because it concerns Me, of course .. ;)
he got the chance, buy Me a ring .. the sealing of our "relationship". D/S .. naturally. ;)
I chose this one in the shape of a crown. It is symbolic, because I'm his Queen! No woman in his life will not be as perfect as I'm! I was the only woman in his life.. my loyal pooch, slave Chump.
"l like when the night is fading and shine is comming from behind the horizont
so Her stunning beauty is shining to my day and life
The noble Mistress and superior Princess
with face of an angel and platin golden hair
comming down from heaven
to Her minions on Earth
and i have only one wish
to kiss worshipping Her divine feet
to be below them, so She can walk over me
The Goddess on Earth
etheric and mistic snakes Empress
perfect superior Goddess"
Amazin poem.. because it concerns Me, of course .. ;)
he got the chance, buy Me a ring .. the sealing of our "relationship". D/S .. naturally. ;)
I chose this one in the shape of a crown. It is symbolic, because I'm his Queen! No woman in his life will not be as perfect as I'm! I was the only woman in his life.. my loyal pooch, slave Chump.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
I love spending your money!
I really enjoyed recent days of shopping! And also my slave Chump. lol
That everything must have to pay.. but it is his wish. ;) He loves ME (He composed poems, wrote short stories for me..lol, earns money for me and I hope that in time it will be more things for me to do..) and I love myself and my beauty - is a perfect symbiosis, which suits me. I just laugh at him, what a pathetic and futile he is. Without me, he was bigger nothing, than he is now. And so is happy that I'm his Mistress. Naturally..
I really enjoy.. when I teasing my boyfriend in the new sexy underwear, though my slave sitting at home locked in a chastity belt. lol
No orgasm, until I will permit to you, loser!
I'm really tired today - I slept only three hours at night, damn.. I looked for a long time on the internet stores, what I will want to buy like a new. ;)
And approaching my masquerade! No doubt I'll be the sexiest angel there! O:) I hope for nice photos from the event.
I'm going to give a relaxing bath now.. and my servant will worship my divine person on his knees. ;)
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